The Story Behind Sheikhen Designs

At the dawn of 2020, in the crisp January air, just on the cusp before the world was engulfed in the unforeseen upheaval of a pandemic, we found ourselves wandering through the vibrant marketplaces of Oslo, Norway. It was there, amidst the lively stalls, that we encountered an elderly artisan peddling his meticulously crafted spoon jewelry. Spellbound by the allure of his creations, we purchased our inaugural spoon jewelry piece, forged with skill and passion right before our eyes. The artisan, a venerable figure, traced his craft back to the year 1955 and imparted his wisdom, expressing a fervent desire for a broader embrace of recycling and repurposing forgotten items.

The idea struck a resonant chord within us — to transform dormant silver cutlery languishing in household drawers into wearable art for everyday life. The allure of Norwegian silver cutlery captivated us, and the notion that a simple spoon could metamorphose into an elegant accessory became a wellspring of inspiration. Following our sojourn in Oslo, we delved deeper into the world of these enchanting silver cutlery pieces, kindling a newfound fascination. Embarking on the endeavor to craft our own spoon jewelry, initial setbacks threatened to dampen our spirits.

Fortune smiled upon us when we encountered the seasoned spoon jewelry artisan once more. Recognizing us from our earlier encounter, he inquired about our progress. Learning of our struggles, he graciously offered to impart the fundamental techniques of spoon jewelry craftsmanship. Rather than allowing our missteps to deter us, these moments of guidance became invaluable stepping stones, reigniting our hope and passion. It was through these lessons drawn from our mistakes that we ultimately forged the path to successfully crafting distinctive and meaningful spoon jewelry.

The sustainable essence of this endeavor became an even greater source of inspiration. The resonance of recycling and vintage aesthetics among diverse age groups underscored the timeless appeal of our creations. Each piece of cutlery transformed into a jewelry carried its unique narrative, a story that transcended its erstwhile existence as a drawer-bound utensil.

From this journey, Sheikhen Designs emerged organically, echoing the essence of our last name, Sheikh Bozan. What began as a casual foray into spoon jewelry crafting blossomed into a compelling business venture. The uniqueness and allure of our designs garnered attention, with features in prominent newspapers such as Al Arabiya, Tv2 Norway, and Haugesund Avis. The positive reception from friends, colleagues, and strangers alike on social media spurred us to transform our once-humble hobby into the flourishing entity that is Sheikhen Designs.

History Of Spoon Rings

Throughout history, spoons have held a significant role in various ceremonies, both religious and secular, dating back to ancient civilizations like Egypt and medieval England. These ceremonial spoons were even present in momentous events such as royal coronations. The custom of presenting spoons as baptismal gifts has an extensive history, with its origins rooted in the United Kingdom. This tradition gave rise to the well-known phrase "born with a silver spoon in your mouth."

Across the ages, spoons have also served as tokens of affection. One fascinating example is the Welsh custom of the love spoon – an intricately carved and adorned wooden spoon symbolizing love. The concept of transforming spoon handles into rings emerged in 17th century England. During this period, the design of flatware was not only made from genuine silver but often showcased elaborate embellishments, including family crests, making them cherished heirlooms.

Legend attributes the origin of spoon rings to the working class of bygone eras. As the story goes, servants would clandestinely take a piece of silverware from their employer's collection and repurpose it into a ring, serving as a token of their affection and commitment to their loved ones.

The charm of spoon rings experienced a revival during the late 1960s and 1970s, embraced by the hippie culture of Haight-Ashbury and the spirited counterculture of that era, which advocated for peace and love.

In 2020, Sheikhen Designs made a remarkable comeback, reigniting the art of crafting spoon rings. However, this time, we added a dash of spice to the tradition, infusing it with contemporary creativity and innovation.